Swimming Pool

In the early 20th century, the rise of municipal (public) swimming pools marked a significant development in promoting healthy, hygienic, and enjoyable aquatic activities for citizens who lacked access to private pools. These public swimming facilities played a pivotal role in enhancing public health and leisure opportunities, making swimming and aquatic recreation more accessible to the general population.

In 1970, the City of Elko Municipal Pool was constructed during the Progressive Era in the United States. Remarkably, it has surpassed the lifespan of many other pools built during that era, serving the Elko community with 53 years of recreational enjoyment for families. However, the Elko Pool is now approaching the end of its operational life.

To address this, plans are underway for the construction of a new recreation and aquatic facility by the Elko Boys and Girls Club. You can find more information about this project in the quick links on the left side of this webpage. As a result, current pool hours are limited.

The fact the pool has been in operation for over five decades is a testament to the hard work and dedication of the management and staff.  The enduring success of the Elko pool can be attributed to the management and staff, who have been instrumental in maintaining its status as a valuable asset to the community.
2024 summer hours - Copy

Swim Lessons (3)

Nikki Johnson 
(775) 777-7290